I was surfing the web for work (honestly! I was doing research relating to corporate blogs) when I came accross Mock Sushi in a post by Michael Pusateri, VP of Engineering, Disney ABC Cable Networks Group. I didn't get all the background but basically his daughter saw something on a website about making Mock Sushi and had soon enough convinced him that they had to make it. I read the post and am also convinced.
Michael and Mira Pusateri's Mock Sushi contained gummi worms, rice krispie treats and fruit by the foot. It looks awesome and I can't wait to serve it at a dinner party. That being said, I wouldn't stop there. Who's to say that you couldn't incorporate sprinkles, smarties, Reese's pieces.... the possibilities are endless. After you check out their post please come back and comment on your own variations. I will certainly post pictures as soon as I have some.